Rabu, 24 April 2013

AaGym_Safari Dakwah ke Australia

 AaGym_Alhamdulillah sudah tiba di Sydney jam 8 wib, ini dengan sdr kita yg ngundang, smg silaturahim ini. Berkah(08.00 pagi)

AaGym_Nikmat tidur amat mahal, penumpang yang pulas di airport changi Singapura

Jadwal Safari Dakwah Australia 2013

AaGym_Di bankstown Sydney banyak komunitas muslim, toko halal juga banyak, skrng ceramah di petershaan town hall (12.45 siang)

AaGym_petersham town hall

AaGym_ Penggalangan dana wakaf untuk masjid indonesia, Tabligh Akbar Sydney

AaGym, Donasi jama'ah usai tabligh akbar  untuk pendirian masjid di Brisbane_australia/Alhamdulillaah jazaakumulloh, warga sydney, canberra dan melbourne, terkumpul 30000 $ cash plus 1 ons emas utk bangun masjid di brisbane

AaGym, Silaturahiim dengan jama'ah Petersham -australia

AaGym_Habis tabligh, magrib jamaah, makan kebab di kawasan halal Lakemba, maka nikmat Tuhanmu manakah yang akan didustakan

Melbourne Australia_surau kita

Silaturrahiim ke Surau Kita. 

AaGym, 26/4/2013. Tafakur saat matahari terbit. menambah rasa syukur atas limpahan karunianya

Iqro Foundation Sydney – Ta'lim Muslimah

Ustadz: Abdullah Gymnastiar (Aa Gym)
Venue: Petersham Townhall
Thursday, 25 Apr 2013
Hadist nabi Muhammad SAW:
“Sungguh menakjubkan mukmin yg beriman. Semua urusannya jd kebaikan. Diberi nikmat dia bersyukur, syukur jd kebaikan. Diberi musibah dia bersabar, dan sabarnya juga jd kebaikan.”
Hidup ini selalu ada masalah. Ujian adalah sekumpulan masalah. Ujian bukan utk menghancurkan, tp utk memuliakan.
Hidup itu penuh warna, supaya hidup itu tdk monoton dan menjadi lebih menarik.
Hidup itu ada episode-episodenya.
Jadi nikmati saja setiap episode hidup.
Nggak perlu ribet dalam hidup.
Nikmati saja.

Bagaimana menikmatinya?
==> siap menghadapi yg cocok dgn keinginan & siap jg utk menghadapi yg tidak cocok dgn kehidupan.
The show must go on.
Ketika seseorang sakit:
==> Ini tubuh milik Allah. Saya percaya sama Allah pemiliknya. Pasti Allah akan berikan yg terbaik utk saya. Tenang saja, ada Allah yg mengaturnya. Semua takdir Allah pasti baik.

Hidup selalu bersyukur.
Al Baqarah 216.
Menyikapi hidup:
- Meluruskan niat
- Menyempurnakan ikhtiar
- Pasrah pd Allah
Kalo belum terjadi harus siap.
Kalo sdh terjadi harus ridho/ikhlas.
Stres itu krn tdk menerima kenyataan.
Semua ini cuma titipan. Terima/jalani saja. Ridho.
Jgn mempersulit diri. Jgn mempersusah urusan, mempergawat, bikin ribet, dll. Yg akhirnya membuat kita menderita bukan krn masalahnya, tapi krn kitanya yg salah dalam menyikapi masalah. Boleh mikir jauh, tp jgn tersiksa dgn pikiran kita. Rezeki umur ada di tangan Allah.
Hud ayat 8: semua sdh ada rezekinya.

Beli/punya barang mahal:
==> Makin mahal makin bagus tapi malah makin menyiksa.
Nabi Muhammad saja ada yg menghina, masa’ kita nggak ada yg menghina?

Rahasia spy nggak sakit hati ketika dihina orang:
==> kita dihina orang lain bukan krn kita hina, tp krn Allah ingin menutupi dosa/aib/kesalahan kita. Shg tdk usah marah ketika dihina dan jg tdk perlu bangga ketika dihormati orang lain. Kalo ada yg menghina jgn sakit hati. Krn Allah telah menutupi lbh banyak lg aib kita. Always be positive.
Jgn biasakan ribet di dunia ini.
==> HHN: Hadapi Hayati Nikmati & Evaluasi diri.

Rahasia kuat hadapi penghinaan orang:
==> Yg memberi rezeki kita adalah Allah. Yg menentukan usia kita juga Allah. Yg mengatur jodoh kita, anak2 kita, dll nya adalah Allah. Nah, kalau semua karunia datang dari Allah, ngapain capek2 mikirin mulut orang yg menghina kita.

Rahasia bahagia:
==> Lepaskan semua sandaran, selain hanya Allah. Lahaulawala kuwwata illa billaah (Tiada daya upaya selain kekuatan Allah). Jgn bersandar pd uang, suami, pekerjaan, dll. Kalau Allah tdk menghendaki, tdk akan terjadi.

Bila hati bersandar selain kpd Allah, maka akan gelisah hati & hidupnya.
Sedekah bisa menghindarkan musibah.
tdk pernah berkurang harta dgn sedekah. ( http://taklimmuslimah.wordpress.com/2013/04/26/tabligh-akbar-menikmati-hidup-agar-lebih-hidup-aa-gym/)


Aa Gym in Australia

It is confirmed. Aa Gym is conducting his ‘safari dakwah‘ (preaching tour) to at least four cities in Australia: Sydney (25-26/4), Canberra (26/4), Melbourne (27/4), and Brisbane (28/4) this year. Having been invited to Australia by the Indonesian Muslim Centre in Queensland (IMCQ) and Dompet Dhuafa Australia, the visit of Aa Gym has arguably been much waited by the Indonesian moslem diaspora residing in the down under. At the same time, Aa Gym’s main purpose of visiting Australia is to raise funds to be used in establishing a masjid (mosque) in Queensland. “I can’t wait to see him, the ‘new’ Aa Gym,” said a young moslem residing in Canberra to Projecting Indonesia. “I want to learn more from him too, as I was once a student of Daarut Tauhiid,” said another. Daarut Tauhiid is the boarding school headquartered in Bandung, of which Aa Gym leads for many years. Aa Gym’s topics of lectures vary from one city to another. In Canberra, the theme of his lecture will be “The Inspiration of Successful and Dignified Moslems” (Inspirasi Muslim Sukses dan Mulia). The event in Canberra is organised by IMCQ, Dompet Dhuafa Canberra, and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia for Australia and Vanuatu.

Abdullah ‘Aa Gym’ Gymnastiar As a cleric, the nationwide popularity of Aa Gym peaked from late 1990s up to 2006. From a little ‘pesantren‘ (Islamic boarding school) Pondok Pesantren Daarut Tauhiid (DT) that initially consisted of 20 rooms, Aa Gym was able to grow a giant holding company called PT MQ Corporation (with 19 business entities) under the brand of ‘Manajemen Qolbu‘ (Management of Heart). A multitalented Aa Gym–a cleric, singer, writer, publisher, entrepreneur–later rose as a highly successful businessman. At a point of time it was reported that his assets reached Rp 12 billion with a turnover of Rp 27 billion. Nonetheless, Aa Gym sparked controversy with his polygamous practice. When it was declared in December 2006 his viewerships, from TV stations to visitors at DT pesantren, drastically dropped. His business too declined significantly. In short, Aa Gym’s fans and followers could not accept such a practice, particularly coming from a figure they loved most.

Aa Gym to give sermons in Australia (2)
At the previous article, it has been exposed that Abdullah Gymnastiar, the phenomenon Islamic cleric from West Java, is scheduled at the end of April 2013 to give sermons in several big cities in Australia, namely Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and certainly the country’s capital, Canberra. The following article will further expose one of Aa Gym’s teachings: a necessity to be wealthy. Why shall we be wealthy? Aa Gym argues that the holy book Al Quran teaches Moslems to be wealthy. There are many verses in the book referring to this argument, such as 2:275, 2:267, 2:282. 4:29, 67:15, and 73:20. Basically, those verses reveal on the importance of trading, the requirement to give tithe and charity, and the unlimited blessings on earth rendered by God the Almighty. Furthermore, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a good example that he himself was an entrepreneur. He was such a wealthy entrepreneur and loved to share his fortune particularly to the poor. The meaning of ‘wealth’ Aa Gym argues that a wealth (or harta in Indonesian language), if combined with other types ‘wealth’, will make a perfect situation. The real meaning of wealth is not merely of material goods but also other types of wealth: Ghirah (spirit), Input (knowledge, experience), Gagasan (ideas), Ibadah (prayers), and Hati (heart). If those other types of wealth are combined, they will form an abbreviation that can be labelled as ‘GIGIH‘ (an Indonesian word that means a ‘determined’ character), of which this character usually generates the Harta (material wealth). When GIGIH is added with H, they will create the essence of wealth. The necessity of ‘efforts’ (ikhtiar) In order to reach the essence of wealth, Aa Gym argues that Moslems shall carry out efforts (ikhtiar). The substance of efforts is that the ummah shall seek the wealth that has added value. Meaning, the generated wealth must be useful for themselves and others and be blessed both on earth and at the hereafter.

Read More at http://projectingindonesia.com/people/aa-gym-to-give-sermons-in-australia-2/, Written by Yasmi Adriansyah, Copyright © Projecting Indonesia

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